openais project strawberry

OpenAI’s “Strawberry” Project: A Leap Forward in AI Reasoning Capabilities

In a significant development in the world of artificial intelligence, OpenAI is reportedly working on a groundbreaking project codenamed “Strawberry, according to Reuters report.” This initiative aims to revolutionize AI reasoning capabilities and autonomous research, potentially marking a major milestone in the field of machine learning.

The Unveiling of Project Strawberry

OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT, has been quietly developing a novel approach to AI models under the codename “Strawberry. ” While details remain tightly guarded, even within the company, sources familiar with the matter have revealed that the project is focused on enhancing AI’s ability to perform complex tasks, plan ahead, and conduct what OpenAI terms “deep research.”

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Advancing AI Reasoning

The primary goal of Project Strawberry is to enable AI to not just generate answers to queries but to navigate the internet autonomously and reliably. This capability has long eluded AI models, making Strawberry a potential game-changer in the industry.

According to internal documentation, the project involves specialized post-training techniques that adapt base models to hone their performance in specific ways. This approach bears similarities to Stanford University’s “Self-Taught Reasoner” (STaR) method, which allows AI models to “bootstrap” themselves into higher intelligence levels.

Impressive Early Results

While the full extent of Strawberry’s capabilities remains under wraps, early demonstrations have shown promising results. Sources describe witnessing demos capable of answering tricky science and math questions that are beyond the reach of currently available commercial models. In one instance, an AI reportedly scored over 90% on a MATH dataset, a benchmark of championship math problems.

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Industry Implications and Competition

The development of Strawberry comes at a time when improving reasoning in AI models is seen as crucial for unlocking their potential across various applications, from scientific discoveries to software development. Other tech giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft are also exploring techniques to enhance AI reasoning, highlighting the competitive nature of this pursuit.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has emphasized the importance of reasoning ability in AI, stating that it will be one of the most critical areas of progress in the field.

Future Applications and Concerns

OpenAI plans to leverage Strawberry for performing long-horizon tasks (LHT) and testing its capabilities in software and machine learning engineering. The project also aims to enable AI to conduct research by browsing the web autonomously with the assistance of a computer-using agent (CUA).

While the advancements promised by Strawberry are exciting, they also raise questions about the implications of AI systems that can potentially transcend human-level intelligence in certain areas.


As OpenAI continues to develop and refine Project Strawberry, the AI community watches with keen interest. If successful, this initiative could represent a significant leap forward in AI capabilities, potentially reshaping our understanding of machine intelligence and its applications in the real world.